State Object Defaults

Do not to let states bloat for no reason (as it could with large html, textContent, etc.)

Property Type Initial Value Description
activeOrganism null|string null The element having focus. Only on states for document.
attribs object {} Equivalent to the .attribs property of a Cheerio object. This consists of simple key-value pairs, and as such, is preferable to use for storing state than a replica of the much more complex DOM Element.attributes collection.
boundingClientRect object {
  width: null,
  height: null,
  top: null,
  right: null,
  bottom: null,
  left: null,
  x: null,
  y: null
A key-value copy of the object returned by .getBoundingClientRect() This object's properties are all of type null or number. Width and height for this object include padding and border, but not margin.
classArray array [] An array of classes declared in the HTML class attribute.
css object {} An object of CSS properties set by jQuery .css().
data object {} An object of data to be saved to the DOM. Must be a stringifiable instance of Object.
html null|string null To DOM Element.innerHTML spec. null means the html hasn't been touched by Requerio. null has a completely different meaning than empty string.
innerWidth null|number null In number of CSS pixels. Includes padding, but not border or margin.
innerHeight null|number null In number of CSS pixels. Includes padding, but not border or margin.
outerWidth null|number null In number of CSS pixels. Includes padding, border, and margin.
outerHeight null|number null In number of CSS pixels. Includes padding, border, and margin.
prop object {} An object of Element properties set by jQuery .prop().
scrollLeft null|number null The number of CSS pixels scrolled to the left of viewable area.
scrollTop null|number null The number of CSS pixels scrolled above the viewable area.
textContent null|string null To DOM Node.textContent spec. null means the textContent hasn't been touched by Requerio. null has a completely different meaning than empty string. Named textContent and not text because Requerio does not concatenate texts from multiple selections, like jQuery .text() does. It therefore more closely resembles Node.textContent.
val string undefined A form input's value. Only on input element states.
width null|number null In number of CSS pixels. Does not include padding, border, or margin.
height null|number null In number of CSS pixels. Does not include padding, border, or margin.
$members object [] The states of the members of the selection. On organism states only, not on member states.
members number undefined The number of members belonging to the selection. On organism states only, not on member states.